Co-existing with COVID-19
A coronavirus vaccine is where many of our hopes are pinned, but what's the plan if we don't get one in the near future?
ABC Health & Wellbeing reporters Paige Cockburn and Tegan Taylor (26th July, 2020), outlined a great article which confirmed our fears, in that, we have come to the realisation that we are not going to see big changes over the next couple of years. According to Bruce Thompson, dean of health sciences at Swinburne University, even if we had a vaccine today it would take 18 months more it became available at your local GP.
So what do we need to focus on to move forward without a vaccine?
The way we test
There are many new modes of testing being developed which is important to manage transmission within our community. Research and development is going into rapid testing (10-min results from a drop of blood), to breath testing, to home testing. So if you are feeling unwell, you can buy a home test (much like a pregnancy test) and check your symptoms.
The way we trace
"Contact tracing becomes much harder the more we resume normal life, so this must be a priority to contain community transmission. The COVID-19 app has not really performed as hoped. But a team at Swinburne University is developing a way to predict where the virus is heading so people can be warned in real time.”
The way we work
Our attitude around turning up to work with symptoms will now be unacceptable and this is a long, overdue cultural change.
Australians tend to be quite stoic, and hardworking. And the idea of taking time off for a cold goes against the grain of many.
But hopefully, ‘rest & recovery’ will be our new mantra where we take time out to fully resolve viruses.
It will definitely help prevent any post viral symptoms, such as ongoing fatigue, coughs and lethargy which we often see in Spring, from unresolved Winter illness.
The way we recover
Whilst science is rapidly researching antiviral drugs to combat the COVID-19 virus, our focus now, and always is, is on optimising our own health and immunity to reduce the impact if we do become exposed to the coronavirus.
Living with the threat of COVID-19
I think most of us now realise that we will be living with COVID-19 for at least the next 18 months.
The trend is showing that outbreaks and clusters will continue to reoccur in our community until an effective vaccination is available.
Whilst good hand hygiene, wearing masks and social distancing is a given, focusing on our own health is empowering.
Optimising our own Health to help reduce the impact of the Coronavirus
Whilst we have minimal control of COVID-19 circulating within our community we do have control over our own health and now is a critical time to focus on our immunity resilience.
Follow Our Coronavirus-Combat Protocol for the Best Protection
- Start Using Immune Builders Now – they are ideal to use at the change of Season
- Increase your Vitamin C & Zinc status (pop in-store to get a FREE Zinc Test, and check your zinc levels)
- Optimise your Gut Microbiome
- Identify your Underlying Immune Depleter
- Get your Vitamin D levels checked
Click Here for specific information, nutrients and herbs used in our
Coronavirus-Combat Protocol.
Get the Best Advice from our Qualified Practitioners
If you need Practitioner Help with Building & Optimising your Immune System and underlying depleters, it is the time to book a professional consultation with the Mammoth Health Naturopaths.
By working on your individual health needs, our Practitioner team experience great success in addressing underlying causes and achieving optimal health and vitality for our patients.
But it is important to addressing your health now as we change Seasons.
Consultations are available daily at our In-store Clinics or via Telehealth for convenience & flexibility Book your Consultation Now
Because it’s Not a Rehearsal
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