Your Personal Winter Protocol
With this sudden cold blast, our thoughts turn to preparing ourselves for the Winter months ahead.
Whilst 2020 was the lowest “flu” season on record due to less community mixing and social restrictions, 2021 may be a different story.
Here at Mammoth Health we have noticed an unusually high influx of clients and patients with colds, flu, gastro and viruses!
So with this in mind, it is timely, for those who haven’t already, to start implementing their own personalised Winter protocol using the powers of natural medicine and healthy lifestyle practices.
A personalised Winter protocol is especially important to implement if you are inclined to get sick through the Winter season.
Think back to 2019… did you suffer from colds that lingered and were hard to shake or more serious flu’s and viruses that took many weeks to resolve and held you back from work and play?
If you said “yes” to these, then we strongly advise that some immune protection be extremely beneficial now.
In-store and in our Clinics, one of our biggest priorities in the Autumn months as well as throughout the Winter season is to prepare individuals for the barrage of viruses and bacteria that
we are all exposed to in our everyday lives.
We look to design individual prescriptions based on your current immune status, history of illness and levels of exposure.
Our Practitioner-Focus of immunotherapy includes:
- Stimulating immune response against unwanted antigens
- Enhancing gut bacteria and the microbiome (Responsible for 75% of immune receptors)
- Working with anti-microbial, antiseptic and anti-bacterial herbs and nutrition
- Strengthening Respiratory systems
- Improving Lymphatic system function to enable a stronger line of defense
All of the above can be achieved with easy and professional guidance.
Many of us get tired over Winter
We also see increased numbers of fatigue and lowered energy throughout the Winter months.
This tiredness can cause us to experience increased stress, or conversely, stress can cause increased tiredness.
Either way, stress and tiredness can initiate a progressive pattern of immunosuppression.
Added to this, many of us can be inclined to resort to poor food choices (i.e. increased sugar and refined/processed comfort foods in the colder months) which can feed infection.
The colder weather and shorter days can also see some of us surrendering to less exercise.
These lifestyle behaviours impact on how we feel and we see patterns where people feel less motivated and inspired throughout the Winter season.
The biggest concern with this pattern is that “Winter becomes a struggle!”
And more importantly, if we haven’t the vitality and the immunity to resolve these Winter viruses then they re-emerge as Spring viruses and that puts us in a position of true vulnerability.
Needless to say, preparing our personalised Winter protocols Now is important for our health, vitality, quality of life and happiness.
Creating a Stronger Immune Response through good Lifestyle rituals
We can certainly enhance our immune-stimulating principles through quality herbal medicines and great nutrition. But we can also create a stronger immune response by addressing some lifestyle factors too.
Winter Lifestyle Rituals to embrace
Use your "Food as Medicine” (Love your food)
Embrace whole and seasonal foods cooked with love and care and eaten mindfully. -
Heal your emotions (Implement daily stress-relieving rituals)
Stress is a major immunosuppressant which has been proven to be a contributor to chronic infection, inflammation and toxicity. -
Use quality Herbs and Nutrition
Supplement with immune boosters and tonics for acute and preventative care. -
Don’t forget to gently Detoxify
Helpful detoxification stimulants and support agents include: Glutathione, vitamin B, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C and Turmeric. -
Balance your Energy.
Including Hormone balancing and life style balancing with modalities such as Remedial Massage, Chiropractic care, Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Meditation, Yoga and Exercise that feels great.
We are lucky enough to have amazing herbal medicines and nutritious foods available to help us thrive, fight infection and help us to reach our everyday potential.
Don’t struggle through this Winter season…Enjoy it and embrace it.
This will be easy to do when armed with the right information and a Personal approach in developing your own 'Winter Protocol'.
Get the Best Advice & Solutions from Qualified Practitioners
If you have experienced Winter illness in the past that has really set you back and compromised your lifestyle, now is the time to book a professional consultation with the Mammoth Health Naturopaths and work together to develop a personalised Winter protocol… and make this year a Winter you can embrace and live life to the full.
Consultations are available daily at our In-store Clinics. Book your on-line Consultation Now or call Mammoth Health on 5243 9084
Because it’s Not a Rehearsal
Live Better
©2021 Live Better Naturally Pty Ltd
The information provided in this article is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. We recommend you consult with a GP or other healthcare professional before taking any action based on this article. While the author uses best endeavours to provide accurate and true content, the author makes no guarantees or promises regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information presented. If you rely on any information provided in this article, you do so at your own risk.